What is SAF?
Sign language interpreters from all around Europe gather once a year at the efsli Conference to exchange experiences, share knowledge and gain expertise. They can also follow any of the efsli trainings that are being organised multiple times per year.
To guarantee that all European sign language interpreters can attend the efsli trainings and conference, efsli set up the efsli Supportive Attendance Fund (SAF) in 2004.
Sign language interpreters from countries with a low cost-of-living index, or countries where they cannot make a living out of their profession can apply for funding to attend.
SAF provides financial support primarily to interpreters from European countries with a cost-of-living index of 50 or lower. Interpreters from other European countries also are very welcome to apply for a funding. For details see the guide to application.
The Supportive Attendance Fund depends on donations.
How to apply
Would you like to apply for a funding from SAF for an efsli training or for the annual conference?
You will find all relevant information in:
Please read the application guide carefully and complete the form by the deadline set in the call for applications.
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