The European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (efsli) represents the interests of thousands of professional sign language interpreters and translators across Europe.
The board of directors, shorten to the board, managing the business and affairs of efsli and is responsible for the operations and finances of efsli, gathering and leading the General Assembly and they make sure that all is in compliance with the articles of efsli and the execution of resolutions by the Annual General Assembly (AGM). That is why we are always looking for board members who are able to lead the association, reviews action, makes decisions and implement policies.
The board of directors consist of not less than four members and a maximum of six. Board Members are elected by the AGM for 3 years and their mandate runs until the end of the AGM in the third year.
The board of directors appoint its President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer among the board members by consensus. The board is giving directions to efsli, setting goals and try to achieve a better environment for all sign language interpreters and translators across Europe.
If you want to know more about how to become a board member, please check the constitution or mail one of the board members.
Since April 2024 the board of directors has the following 5 members:

Androniki Xanthopoulou

Isabelle Lombard

Jenny Köhring

Siegrid Leurs

Marjo-Leea Alapuranen