The European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (efsli) represents the interests of thousands of professional sign language interpreters and translators across Europe.
The emergence of efsli
In 1987, a conference was held in Albi (France) which examined sign language interpreting in a European context. This was organised under the auspices of the French Federation of the Deaf (FNSF) in conjunction with the European Community Regional Secretariat (ECRS) of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) (known today as the European Union of the Deaf, (EUD). This was the first time interpreters had the opportunity for a structured discussion of issues of importance to their profession.
Subsequently, a group of European sign language interpreters (SLIs) who were working together at the WFD Congress in Finland (1987) agreed, with the support of the ECRS, to held the first “efsli” seminar, which was organised in Glasgow (Scotland) in 1988. At this meeting, a series of resolutions was agreed which would be used as a framework for future meetings. This informal group met again in 1990 in Lisbon (Portugal) and in Athens (Greece), and in 1991 in Brussels (Belgium) and Hamburg (Germany).
At this stage, efsli was still an informal group. However, it became clear that in order to create a formal structure for efsli and to seek financial support, the organisation had to create a Constitution and agree on internal rules and regulations.
In Brussels (Belgium), at the end of August 1993, the first efsli Constitution was ratified and the first Board members elected. One of the important conditions at that time was that Board members should represent different regions of Europe.
The first ones
The officers elected at this first official efsli meeting were:
– Liz Scott Gibson (Scotland)
– Raili Ojala (Finland)
– Andrea Schulz (Germany)
– Susanne Carstensen (Denmark)
– Michèle Berger (Switzerland)
– Griet Geysels (Belgium)
– Esther de los Santos (Spain)
The first efsli Seminar
The first Seminar was held in 1994, in Edinburgh (Scotland), following the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The theme of the seminar was “Working Conditions”.
Support was provided by the Commission of the European Communities (Integration of Disabled People) and the Helios II programme (a community action programme for disabled European citizens to enable them to live independently in an open society), in addition to continuing support by the EUD. In 1997, all of this EU financial support came to an end.
The aim of efsli
The aim of efsli has always been to provide a forum for discussion and information sharing among its members and interpreters at large. For that reason, every year, an efsli Seminar or Conference is always organised following an AGM that includes participants from all European nations and guests from all over the world.
New visual image
The original efsli logo was created in Finland in collaboration with the graphic design company Codesign and Finnish sign language interpreter, Anitta Vesamäki, representing the EFSLI board in 2005.
In 2024, the logo received an updated and contemporary version by Simon Bak, efsli's Communication Officer and Senior Designer, in collaboration with the efsli Board.
The logo to be used for different contexts can be found here under Press Centre.
Evolution of the efsli logo
The logo speaks for itself: the person in the centre is a sign language interpreter bridging the gap between two parties. The idea is retained in the new logo.


efsli Presidents
The next efsli Board elections will take place on April 2025.
Androniki Xanthopoulou
2024 – Now
Genny Brusegan Conte
2021 – 2024
Yvonne Jobse
Stéphan Barrère
2020 – 2021
Ivana Bućko
2016 – 2020
Christian Peters
2015 – 2016
Peter Llewellyn-Jones
2013 – 2015
Marinella Salami
2012 – 2013
Maya de Wit
2006 – 2012
Marco Nardi
2002 – 2006
Griet Geysels
1997 – 2002
Liz Scott Gibson
1993 – 1997